Madeline The Person Enters New Era With "Mean!"

Photo Credit: Lissyelle Laricchia

On a very packed New Music Friday, Madeline the Person releases her latest single, “Mean!” via Warner Records. This is the first single since her last project, Ch. 2: The Shedding EP. This new track also welcomes us into Madeline’s anticipated musical chapter, Ch. 3:The Burning EP.

The record’s waltz rhythm and Madeline’s sparkling and delicate vocals create the song’s fantastical feel, but the lyrics containing emotionally relevance brings us back to reality.

One single event, or even a couple of words, can literally impact your whole life and crush your self-esteem. The cool part about it all is that you will find people that love every part of you.
— Madeline The Person

Madeleine also premiered the visual that accompanies the new record, directed by Tess Laifa. The music video shows the pains as well the bright side to the concept of otherness. Dolled up in clown makeup Madeline simply wants to befriend and share her kindness with her peers. They mock and bully Madeline embodying the very title of the song. Though many of us can relate to navigating social circles, the beautiful ending of Madeline finding a fellow friend reminds us that no matter how ‘other’ society perceives us, we will all find our tribe.

This beautiful record is another example of how Madeline’s brilliant and empathetic songwriting continues to resonate with thousands of people everywhere. This upcoming EP is a story the public cannot wait to devour.

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