The Scene That Made Me Want To #SaveTheBakerAndTheBeauty


Over 140,000 signatures have made it onto a petition to save The Baker and The Beauty. Notable figures such as Roselyn Sanchez, Eva Longoria, and Gabriel Union, have also spoken up about the cancelation and are championing the show to find a new home. I previously gave my reasons why we should continue the fight to #SaveTheBakerAndTheBeauty. This time, I want to share my thoughts on one scene I connected with and a reason why we need this series to stay alive.


Mateo (David Del Rio) innocently lays out a tip jar on the counter of the family bakery to make up for the fee he loss missing a recording session to cut a demo. Rafael (Carlos Gomez) finds out, and the two have a heated confrontation regarding Mateo’s passions. 


I’m investing in myself.
— Mateo, The Baker and The Beauty

When I first started watching The Baker And The Beauty, I instantly related to the character of Mateo. He’s a DJ, I DJ’d. We’re both the middle kids. We’re the child in the family that’s a little more eccentric than our siblings. When it comes to our passions, we’re 100% serious about working hard for our dreams. Watching this moment feels like I’m watching my life’s story play out in two minutes. I’ve had those dialogues with my parents before where they doubt my passions and view my work as play rather than a legitimization of my career ambitions. 

This scene is a verification of why we need a series like this. The writing feels completely authentic. Whoever wrote it knows what it’s like to passionately prove themselves to the parents that their dreams are credible. Speaking as the daughter of an immigrant, I also know that the series isn’t villainizing a protective parent. Rather quite the opposite. My parents, similar to Rafael and Mari (Lisa Vidal), left behind an entire country to go towards something unknown to better their family’s lives. They’re not trying to stomp their child’s light or dream. They care because they want their kids to have the best of everything. 

Carlos and David’s performances are what punched me in the feels. Rafael’s anger isn’t him thinking Mateo’s foolish for chasing a dream. It’s the voice of a concerned and caring parent who doesn’t want their child to get hurt. The passion and emotion David places behind Mateo’s tone draws empathy out of the viewer. It’s not just my story that parallels Mateo’s own. Anyone who had to fight for their dream will empathize. 


I also feel that it’s important because it’s a Latin family, because it speaks to the positive stereotype of being a Latin family. It speaks to the beautiful parts of who we are as a Latin community, loving and encouraging and hard-working and passionate.
— Lisa Vidal

In a world of entertainment where too often cultural representation straddles the thin line between appreciation and appropriation, it is refreshing to see an honest and authentic portrayal of a functional Latinx family. When other programs that were written by someone who doesn’t understand the POC experience whatsoever, it’s heartwarming to see the representation treated with so much respect and integrity. I can’t speak on the Latinx experience. However, I can say I stand by a show that has multi-dimensional characters, terrific acting, relevant issues tackled considerately, and overall killer production. I hope networks and streaming platforms listen to the voracious and loyal following and invest in this magnificent piece of storytelling. Hulu, Netflix are you there? It’s The Baker and The Beauty

Sign The Petition to Help Save The Baker And Beauty

My Recent Conversation With David Del Rio