There's Enough Pie For Everyone In The Creative World

Photo Credit: Stephanie Parsley

Creatives are needed everywhere. It’s just like doctors. There will never be enough doctors. there’s room for all of them. And so I have to remind myself with my piece of pie, there’s enough for everyone. So don’t get super jealous of other people, having success, celebrate their successes too.
— Townsend

Along with the infectious beaming smile, Townsend is a beautiful human being inside and out. She’s a prime example of a passionate creative. Not only do you hear it in her music, (like her self-titled EP that’s out now), but you also see it in the work she does like her moving, “You’re Not Alone” podcast. We chat about rest being in productivity, the many hats creatives wear, and having passion as creatives. Listen here!

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